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Seminář Crossborder – Voice of a client

Datum konání: 30.09.2020

Místo konání: online

Vyhlašujeme přihlašování na seminář Crossborder 2020 – Voice of a client


Letošní ročník semináře Crossborder proběhne zcela online. I tak je ale počet míst limitovaný. Prosím přihlašujte se do 13. září, po tomto termínu se Vám ozveme s více informacemi.


Letos se mezinárodní seminář Crossborder zaměřuje na téma Hlas klienta a přinese jako každoročně možnost se zúčastnit workshopů poradců a expertů z 11 různých zemí na toto téma. Mimo workshopy uslyšíte ještě další úvodní přednášky a budete se moct propojit s kolegy ze zahraničí. 


Program letošního ročníku:


30 September 2020

9:00 – 9:30

Virtual lobby

9:30 – 10:00

Opening remarks

10:00 – 12:00


The presentation will focus on the assumptions underpinning the drive for client/user involvement in the design and delivery of career guidance services. The main question addressed will be whether client/user involvement is, in itself, progressive and aligned with democratic practices, or whether, instead, it carries risks that potentially jeopardise professional standards. The discourse around client/user involvement is located within the ideology promoted by models of New Public Management. There are thus clear links between this movement, and neoliberal values that strive to increase accountability and relevance in public services by challenging the authoritative voice of professional providers. This challenge has both progressive and regressive moments, and in facing up to both, new models of service delivery as well as new practices can emerge that work in the interests of all citizens, including the most vulnerable. 

Prof. Ronald G. Sultana studied career guidance at the University of Reading (UK), and carried out doctoral research on career education at the Universities of Waikato (NZ), and post-doctoral research at Stanford (USA), where he was a Fulbright Fellow. He is professor of sociology and comparative education at the University of Malta, where he directs the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research. In 2020, Sultana was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Université Laval (Quebec) for his work in career guidance. A list of his publications is available at: http://www.um.edu.mt/emcer/publications

The contribution will discuss possible ways of reconciling different tensions that can arise in systems of publicly funded and massively provided – yet presumably “personalized” – guidance services for adults. How to reconcile the ambition of co-constructing the service with the client with the tendency towards uniformisation in a pre-defined course of a guidance programme? How to reconcile the need for predictability of the costs with the reality of variable duration and intensity of the service based on users’ needs? Possible solutions will be illustrated through case studies of guidance provision in Slovakia (PES) and France (public guidance services for working adults).

Tomas Sprlak is currently service manager of the newly launched public guidance service for working adults at CIBC Meurthe et Moselle in France. He previously worked as a manager of guidance and counselling services of the Slovak public employment services. He serves as president of the Slovak Association for Career Guidance and Career Development (ZKPRK) and of the European Federation of Centrs of Career Guidance and Bilan de Compétences (FECBOP).



12:00 - 12:30 

12:30 – 13:15

Lunch break

Parallel workshop sessions 1

Clients’ feedback, nowadays is one of the most important parts, even for the improvement of labour market services. Therefore, many instruments can be applied. One of it are customer surveys, which are intensely used in the German PES since many years, with positive experiences. The workshop starts with a short introduction of the Centre of Clients and Staff Surveys. Hereafter, we focus on how to measure clients’ satisfaction and needs, as well as the benefits of these surveys and have a deep dive into the clients’ view on career counselling in Germany.

  • How do we measure the quality and the effectivity of career counselling?
  • What happens with these results?
  • How do our customers rate the quality of career counselling?
  • What are the effects of career counselling in Germany
  • What are the influencing factors on career counselling? Join the workshop and get a best practice example.

Patricia Weichert is working as a senior project manager at the Centre of Clients and Staff Surveys of the German Public Employment Service since 2009. She co-ordinates the jobseekers’ and employers’ surveys and acts as an internal management consultant. One of her main survey projects is the measurement of quality and effectivity of career counselling.

The workshop offers an overview on understanding generational differences and commonalities. We will work on identifying how generational differences may affect communication and outcomes.

Participants will explore the prevailing stereotypes about different generations and gain an awareness of their own generational “blind spots” that often lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Our goal is to overcome stereotypes and build working relationships.

Andrej Mohorčič – Experienced Employment Counselor (PES) with a history of working in the human resources industry. Skilled in Career Development, Coaching and Career Assessment.

13:30 – 14:15

Parallel workshop sessions 2

The workshop will draw on some key findings and obstacles encountered during the implementation of the ongoing national project “Standards” which is set to establish a complex guidance ecosystem in educational sector in Slovakia. This ecosystem is based on the premise that career guidance providers (psychological centres, schools) and pupils with their parents represent equally important parts of the system and that the needs, possibilities and ideas of all actors are respected and taken into account. Centres and schools are not only providers of the guidance services but also their creators. Active engagement of pupils and their parents takes not only the form of the feedback but they are also encouraged to participate in designing the services. 

These principles are embedded in the newly prepared career guidance standards as well as in support materials and educational programmes for guidance counsellors which were also created in a collaborative manner with engagement of different practitioners. Key questions addressed during this creative process are: 

  1. Co-creation can be seen as the highest level of counselling/cooperative relationship – can/should we aim at this level with all actors and at all times?
  2. How do we recognize and respect different levels of cooperation and engagement?
  3. Should we (as professionals) only address clients’ needs and requirements or is our responsibility also to shape their expectations of service?

Mária Jaššová is a psychologist with experience in career guidance provision for youth and adults employing creative techniques and methods. She is currently working at the Research Institute of Child Psychology and Pathopsychology on the national project “Standards” (project activity: Education and Human Resources Development)

Through the Get Ready – Enrol at University programme, career guidance and counselling is provided for students of final years of secondary schools who belong to social groups underrepresented in higher education (people from poor and/or rural areas, people with disabilities, Roma people, children without parental care, etc.). The programme is carried out in student dormitories in Belgrade by University of Belgrade, Centre for Career Development and Student Counselling. It encompasses educational workshops and information and counselling sessions, enabling students to gather information, discover their own potentials, prepare for university studies and plan their career. The entire programme is appropriate to the needs of the target group and continuous support is offered through numerous resources available on the Centre’s website. During this lecture you will have opportunity to hear more about its activities and some guidelines for preparing similar programme.

Katarina Milovanovic is a pedagogue at High school students dormitory ‘Jelica Milovanovic’ in Belgrade

Jelena Radivojevic is a teacher at High school students dormitory ‘Jelica Milovanovic’ in Belgrade

14:30 – 15:00

Summary and closing remarks



In an increasingly diverse and dynamic world, career guidance practitioners must reflect the complexity of different career and life paths while still keeping clients’ needs at the very core of the career guidance and career development process. Career guidance must differentiate and move from ‘one-size-fits-all’ to more individualised and client-centred approaches. This, for instance, implies provision of tailor-made guidance services to marginal groups such as people with physical handicaps, people with a migrant background or people coming from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and employment of different methods and techniques. The goal is to ensure equal access to quality career guidance services that are based on the analysis of clients’ individual interests and aspirations.



Euroguidance Cross Border Seminars (CBS) were initiated in 2005 by the Euroguidance centres in Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The idea behind these practice-based seminars was to encourage career guidance professionals to share their expertise and good practices in career guidance provision with their fellow colleagues from other countries and create a platform for extensive networking and knowledge exchange. Over the years, the initiative has grown to current 11 participating European countries. Each year, one Euroguidance centre hosts the event and gathers the guidance community around a topic of interest at both national and international level. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cross-Border Seminar 2020 will be held as an online one-day event.



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Seminář je zdarma.

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