evropská síť pro podporu poradenství

Výzva pro poradce - účast na semináři Cross Border 2022


Výzva pro poradce - účast na semináři Cross Border 2022


"Hope in times of uncertainty"

Riga, Latvia - November 7-9, 2022


Centrum Euroguidance hradí účastníkům ubytování, cestu i stravu.

Pro účast hledáme 5 českých účastníků.


Přihlášky přijímáme do 14. října 2022 na emailu helena.pechova@npi.cz.



“The seminar will address the topic of “Hope in times of uncertainty” in the different CBS countries and how it is dealt with in the national guidance community. In particular, two questions were addressed in the survey: (i) Factors causing uncertainty in individuals making career decisions and (ii) Approaches to helping clients deal with uncertainty and career practitioners manage stress. There will be key-note presentation and workshops. National experts will be presenting demonstrations of tools or approaches at the workshops during CBS Riga 2022 seminar. A total of 16 workshop sessions are envisaged. Participants will also have the opportunity to network during the event. A compendium of national contributions of what approaches are used in different countries when working with individuals and groups to help them to manage uncertainty and increase their hopefulness in the context of career planning and decision-making will be prepared.

An official dinner and a cultural event will be provided by the host country. See the draft programme (pdf).

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